importance to the shell user. So the korn shell is my favorite shell of choice.
Mostly the ksh93 version of it that's now open source from AT&T that was developed by David Korn.
I finally got around to replacing /bin/ksh on my Linux box yesterday with
the version of the korn shell I prefer and set it up to be my login shell of course.
What version of ksh do I have?
$print ${.sh.version}
Version JM 93t+ 2010-06-21
Functions that I've found to be handy over time so I've placed them in my .kshrc environment file.
# Function md - make a directory and cd to it.
function md {
mkdir $1 && _cd $1
# Function _cd - changes directories, then sets the
# command prompt to: "command-number:hostname:pathname$"
function _cd {
if (($# == 0))
PS1=!:`uname -n`':${PWD#$OLDPWD/}$'
if (($# == 1))
'cd' $1
PS1=!:`uname -n`:'${PWD#$OLDPWD/}$'
if (($# == 2))
'cd' $1 $2
PS1=!:`uname -n`:'${PWD#$OLDPWD/}$'
Then my command prompt from my .profile:
PS1='!:`uname -n`':${PWD#$OLDPWD/}$'
Over my time of using the korn shell I've always found those to very handy little functions. This give my a command prompt that always let me know where I'm
at within a directory and the host machine that I'm connected to without cluttering to much space.
Feel free to leave any comments.